FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) is a community of financial institutions including banks, insurance companies and investment services, providing a single standard for managing the increasing complexity of third and fourth-party information needed to demonstrate compliance to regulators, policies and governance controls.
One of the key aims of FSQS is to ensure that the information that we provide to our clients is proportionate to the type service being supplied. We successfully completed a dynamic three-stage process which was used to ensure that our process is efficient as possible.
The outcome is common supplier information in a central system, FSQS allows information to be accessed by all participating buying organisations making the security review process for you much more efficient.
Who are CyberGRX?CyberGRX has the world’s largest cyber risk Exchange with over 100,000 participants. Because of the dynamic and scalable nature of the exchange, organizations and third parties work together in a one-to-many fashion to crowdsource data, insights, and remediation strategies. Rich with validated data and analytics, the CyberGRX Exchange is where organizations go to reduce third-party risk.
What does CyberGRX compliance mean to me?CyberGRX provides a 3rd party assessment of Risk Solved's compliance with industry standards and security protocols. It provides you with an independent review of our credentials. You can request this assessment at any time from the link above. You will also be able to utilise the CyberGRX tool to map your security controls to 17 different frameworks including CAIQ, NIST, CMMS, GDPR and ISO. This is a major time saver for your security team. You can accces the Framework mapper here.
Can I gain access to your assessment?Yes! Simply select the request assessment button and we'll send it across to you.
How does CyberGRX validate Risk Solved's controls?CyberGRX are appointed by partners to perform evidence validation. CyberGRX validated assessments feature in two phases: the self-assessment phase and the validation phase. Risk Solved provided demonstrated evidence for 50 sub controls including all strength, coverage, and timeliness assertions through a detailed assessment spanning 150 questions. Customers can view the sub controls that were fully validated on Risk Solved's vendor profile page.
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